Mondays Book Talk - The Golden Age Dawns

 Written by Ben Kesp  

The Golden Age Dawns by Gabriel Woods 

I was given The Golden Age Dawns to read a few months ago and I was not sure what to expect from this paranormal adventure written by author Gabriel Woods. The Golden Age Dawns is book one of a trilogy exploring the societies across Europe that are crumbling under disease and destruction which has been spread to the continent by unseen and evil forces. Life on earth is not as people believe it to be. A fierce unseen cosmic battle is taking place between two great alien powers and the human race is caught in the middle. 

Woods has told an interesting and compelling story. It’s fast paced with plenty of action that pulls the reader in to see what will happen next. The story contains multiple characters and each has been selected to fulfil their destined path to help in saving or destroying the human race. Developing multiple characters can be difficult and can prevent connection to the emotional and thought process of the individual, however, Woods has created wonderful and interesting back stories to each of the very different main characters. Additionally, as this is only book one of three, this book provides the introduction to the characters which will see development as the story unfolds. 

An aspect I loved about The Golden Age Dawns is the setting of various scenes around ancient sites of the world whether in Ireland, United Kingdom or Africa. This instils all sorts of imaginings of what these sites might have once been used for by powerful alien races. 

Overall it is an interesting and enjoyable read and sets the pace for the following instalments to come. 


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